Tuesday, March 4, 2008

look, look, look, and maybe you'll see

This is a painting Trenton created for Tessa before she was born. It is an 11 x 17" watercolor that I framed and hung in her nursery. I simply love this painting, in fact, the color of the moon inspired the sage-green color of her room. Anyway, this picture has been on her wall for over 5 years and Tessa asked me about the art this weekend and I told her the story about Trenton painting it for her. She said "Well, I love it because it has a pig, a goat and a cow in it." WOW. That is what I love about art. We all react to images in different ways and our eyes take in, sometimes, very different things. And seeing and looking at this art through Tessa's eyes, makes me love it even more.

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